From the big house, there are BOE letters that control every single aspect of congregation activity. From how the meetings are conducted to how the files are kept and everything in-between. Of course, its probably always been that way since this is such a high control organization.
Practically, it really depends on the CO. The DOs hammer the COs but I've had COs that were completely anal and others (usually older ones) that were actually much more laid back. There seems to be a direct correlation between the CO age and the level of micromanagement. The younger they are, the more likely they are to be heavily involved in every detail.
I've also seen COs order elders to sack each other, which was an eye-opening experience. He didn't want to get his hands dirty so he spoke to people individually on the BOE to have the guy removed.
So, I think the pressure has been ramped up on the local BOEs who in turn ramp up the pressure on the congregation. The good news is that I think the number of elders getting discouraged and resigning is increasing. No one is there to take their place which increases the pressure on the remaining elders and they take it out on the congregation, which discourages them and causes them to slow down.